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Product Design and R&D

Product Design and R&D Services

Product Design & Development takes advantage of a combination of world class strategy and user experience, unique scientific and R&D background, and engineering capabilities to expand.

  • From identifying opportunities at the intersection of breakthrough technologies, customer experience, and business requirements, to defining a strategy and product roadmaps.
  • From designing the products and services that delight your customers and transform the business, up to launch days, in record time.
  • Accompanying you through support and enhancement.
  • Reduce risk of redesign loop
Fully Wireless Tracker Device
Battery Operated Solar Powered Light Controller
Miniature Camera Device
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Product Design and R&D Service Process

Product development is both an exciting and difficult endeavor. From initial ideation to research and development our team works with rich experience and efficiency.

Our product development process goes in five steps to take a product from initial concept to final market launch. This includes identifying a market need, researching the competition, ideating a solution, developing a product roadmap, and building a viable product.

Idea generation : In the initial stage of a product development process begins by generating new product ideas. This is the product innovation stage, where you brainstorm product concepts based on customer needs, concept testing, and market research.

Product definition : Once completed the business case and discussed target market and product functionality, it’s time to define the product. This is also referred to as scoping or concept development, and focuses on refining the product strategy.

Prototyping : During the R&D and prototyping stage, our team will intensively research and document the product by creating a more detailed business plan and constructing the product. These early-stage prototypes might be as simple as a drawing or a more complex computer render of the initial design. These prototypes help you identify areas of risk before you create the product.

Initial design : During the initial design phase, project stakeholders work together to produce a mockup of the product based on the viable product prototype. The design should be created with the target audience in mind and complement the key functions of the product.

Validation and Testing : To go live with a new product, we first validate and test the product to ensure that every part of the product—from development to marketing—is working effectively before it’s released to the market or delivered to the Customer. Once initial testing is complete, we proceed to begin producing the final product concept.

Our Projects

Schematic Capture

PCB Design

3D Printing

Firmware Development

We're here to help

Our team is ready for you. Feel free to contact us by e-mail or our social media, so we can learn more about you and your needs.

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