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Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering Services

Reverse engineering is the process of analysing an existing product or design for the desire & purpose of replicating the similar functionality or the behaviour without the aid of original manufacturing or actual design documents. Reverse engineering as such is a wide term and is applicable in multiple fields including electronic engineering, software engineering and mechanical engineering.

With a reverse engineer process we can help clients recover firmware or printed circuit board and its schematic diagram. With our state of art x-ray imaging and AI based trace recover method we offer faster reverse engineering service than any other.

Our team of experts can help you with everything from circuit debug, xā€“ray, PCB-Schematic Capture to prototyping and firmware reverse engineering.

Reverse Engineering Process

Reverse engineering is the process of extracting the source code from a firmware or hardware in order to understand how it works, improve or introduce new products to challenge the monopoly business of other suppliers. This can be used to help fix or improve the software or hardware, or to help create new software or hardware, which is why we offer a wide range of services to help you get the job done right.

Reverse engineering can be used on a wide variety of software and hardware, including computer programs, electronic devices, and physical circuits.

Reverse engineering can be used to understand how a computer program works, or to fix a problem with the software. Reverse engineering can also be used to create new software, by understanding how an existing software program works and trying to create a similar program from scratch.

Reverse engineering can be done using a variety of methods and tools. Some common methods and tools used in reverse engineering are:

  • X-RAY
  • High-resolution scanning of pcb
  • AI for component value marking
  • CAD Tools for PCB to Schematic generation.

Reverse engineering can be a time-consuming process, but it can be helpful in fixing or recovering orĀ  improving firmware or hardware, or in creating new firmware or hardware. If you need help with reverse engineeringĀ  please feel free to contact us.

Our Projects

Firmware Extraction

Schematic Extraction

Head to Head Extraction

Non-Destructive Schematic Extraction

We're here to help

Our team is ready for you. Feel free to contact us by e-mail or our social media, so we can learn more about you and your needs.

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